Christian Music and Hymns
You will Love

10 albums
over 150 Songs

Familiar Christian Hymns
Sung for Hundreds of Years

Loved by Young and Old

Martin Luther
“The gift of language combined with the gift of song was only given to man to let him know that he should praise God with both word and music, namely, by proclaiming [the Word of God] through music.”
― Martin Luther

We believe music is an important tool in one's faith life.

  • Christian music can sing Biblical truth sparking thought and strengthening faith.
  • Christian lyrics are relatively easy to memorize so we can recall them in times of thanks or need.
  • We can listen to Christian music while we work, commute, or as a group bringing our thoughts back to our Lord.

Music is truely a gift from God

Koiné is passionate about creating and sharing the gift of Christian music with listeners worldwide. Find out why, for nearly two decades, Christians everywhere have made Koiné's music a part of their faith life.

Here's your FREE music. Enjoy!

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